1. 服务端先返回页面基本结构(如message.jsp),
消息中心 .消息中心 消息管理
描述 发送者 接收者 创建时间 操作
2. example.js加载的时候,再去异步请求获取页面数据(表格、分页等),再动态创建表,分页链接等
$(function(){ initTable(); $("#searchMessage").on("click",function(){ messageSearch(pageNo); }); //获取message列表 "pageNo" : pageNo function initTable(){ $.ajax({ url : basePath + "page/message_list.action", type : "get", dataType : "json", success : function(dataMap){ createTBody(dataMap); createTFoot(dataMap); }, error : function(errorData){ } }); } //查询message function messageSearch(pageNo){ var searchDateStart = $("#searchDateStart").val(); var searchDateEnd = $("#searchDateEnd").val(); var startDate = new Date(searchDateStart); var endDate = new Date(searchDateEnd); var num = endDate - startDate; if(num'); html.push(''+message.content+' '); html.push('' + message.provider + ' '); html.push('' + message.receiver + ' '); html.push('' + cTime + ' '); html.push(''); html.push(''); } $("#message_body").empty().html(html.join('')); } } function createTFoot(dataMap){ if(dataMap!=null){ startNum = dataMap.startNum; stopNum = dataMap.stopNum; totalCount = dataMap.totalCount; pageNo = dataMap.pageNo; pageSize = dataMap.pageSize; var str = '显示 ' + startNum + '至' + stopNum + '项 , 共' + totalCount +' 项。'; $("#message_showLines").html(str); } } $('#message_body').on('click','a.message_del',function(){ var message_id = $(this).parent("td").attr("message_id"); swal({ title : "确认要删除吗?", text : "删除后将不能恢复!", type : "warning", showCancelButton : true, confirmButtonColor : "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText : "Yes, delete it!", cancelButtonText : "No, cancel plx!", closeOnConfirm : false, closeOnCancel : false }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $.ajax({ url:basePath + "page/message_del.action", data:{ "id":message_id }, type:"get", dataType:"json", success:function(dataMap){ if(dataMap!=null && dataMap.message=="success"){ swal("删除!", "已经成功删除.", "success"); initTable(); }else{ swal("删除!", "删除失败.", "error"); } }, error : function(errorMsg){ swal("删除失败!", errorMsg, "error"); } }); } else { swal("Cancelled", "Your imaginary file is safe :)", "error"); } }); }); $('.tcdPageCode').extendPagination({ pageId : pageNo, totalCount : totalCount, showPage : 5, limit : pageSize, callback : function(pageNo, limit, totalCount) { messageSearch(pageNo); } }); });
注意: 表格是动态创建的,其中的按钮绑定事件时,一定要先找到它的父节点(或祖先节点),再到指定节点,绑定事件
如上面的 $("#serviceRepo_body").on('click','a.record_view',function(){});
分页js插件(page.js), 同时引入jquery-1.11.1.min.js 和 bootstrap.js
/** * Created by Hope on 2014/12/28. */ (function ($) { $.fn.extendPagination = function (options) { var defaults = { pageId:'', totalCount: '', showPage: '10', limit: '5', callback: function () { return false; } }; $.extend(defaults, options || {}); // alert(defaults.pageId); if (defaults.totalCount == '') { //alert('总数不能为空!'); $(this).empty(); return false; } else if (Number(defaults.totalCount) 0) { var html = []; html.push(''); $(this).html(html.join('')); if (totalPage > showPage) $(this).find('ul.pagination li.next').prev().removeClass('hidden'); var pageObj = $(this).find('ul.pagination'), preObj = pageObj.find('li.previous'), currentObj = pageObj.find('li').not('.previous,.disabled,.next'), nextObj = pageObj.find('li.next'); function loopPageElement(minPage, maxPage) { var tempObj = preObj.next(); for (var i = minPage; i 1 && (preObj.next().attr('class').indexOf('hidden')) > 0) preObj.next().removeClass('hidden'); if (maxPage == totalPage && (nextObj.prev().attr('class').indexOf('hidden')) 0) nextObj.prev().removeClass('hidden'); var obj = tempObj.next().find('a'); if (!isNaN(obj.html()))obj.html(i); tempObj = tempObj.next(); } } function callBack(curr) { defaults.callback(curr, defaults.limit, totalCount); } currentObj.click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var currPage = Number($(this).find('a').html()), activeObj = pageObj.find('li[class="active"]'), activePage = Number(activeObj.find('a').html()); if (currPage == activePage) return false; if (totalPage > showPage) { var maxPage = currPage, minPage = 1; if (($(this).prev().attr('class')) && ($(this).prev().attr('class').indexOf('disabled')) >= 0) { minPage = currPage - 1; maxPage = minPage + showPage - 1; loopPageElement(minPage, maxPage); } else if (($(this).next().attr('class')) && ($(this).next().attr('class').indexOf('disabled')) >= 0) { if (totalPage - currPage >= 1) maxPage = currPage + 1; else maxPage = totalPage; if (maxPage - showPage > 0) minPage = (maxPage - showPage) + 1; loopPageElement(minPage, maxPage) } } activeObj.removeClass('active'); $.each(currentObj, function (index, thiz) { if ($(thiz).find('a').html() == currPage) { $(thiz).addClass('active'); callBack(currPage); } }); }); preObj.click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var activeObj = pageObj.find('li[class="active"]'), activePage = Number(activeObj.find('a').html()); if (activePage showPage) { var maxPage = activePage, minPage = 1; if ((activeObj.prev().prev().attr('class')) && (activeObj.prev().prev().attr('class').indexOf('disabled')) >= 0) { minPage = activePage - 1; if (minPage > 1) minPage = minPage - 1; maxPage = minPage + showPage - 1; loopPageElement(minPage, maxPage); } } $.each(currentObj, function (index, thiz) { if ($(thiz).find('a').html() == (activePage - 1)) { activeObj.removeClass('active'); $(thiz).addClass('active'); callBack(activePage - 1); } }); }); nextObj.click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var activeObj = pageObj.find('li[class="active"]'), activePage = Number(activeObj.find('a').html()); if (activePage >= totalPage) return false; if (totalPage > showPage) { var maxPage = activePage, minPage = 1; // if ((activeObj.next().next().attr('class')) // && (activeObj.next().next().attr('class').indexOf('disabled')) >= 0) { // maxPage = activePage + 2; // if (maxPage > totalPage) maxPage = totalPage; // minPage = maxPage - showPage + 1; // loopPageElement(minPage, maxPage); // } if ((activeObj.next().next().attr('class')) && (activeObj.next().next().attr('class').indexOf('disabled')) >= 0) { maxPage = activePage + 2; if (maxPage > totalPage) maxPage = totalPage; minPage = maxPage - showPage + 1; loopPageElement(minPage, maxPage); } } $.each(currentObj, function (index, thiz) { if ($(thiz).find('a').html() == (activePage + 1)) { activeObj.removeClass('active'); $(thiz).addClass('active'); callBack(activePage + 1); } }); }); } }; })(jQuery);
3.项目采用struts2, 返回json, 在struts中配置, 并在action中使用map来封装数据, 并添加get方法
package com.cdv.mediastar.action; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.apache.struts2.json.annotations.JSON; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import com.cdv.mediastar.model.Message; import com.cdv.mediastar.service.MessageService; import com.cdv.mediastar.util.PageParameter; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; @Scope("request") @Controller("messageAction") public class MessageAction extends ActionSupport { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3731009117710718470L; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MessageAction.class); @Resource private MessageService messageService; MapdataMap = new HashMap (); public Map getDataMap() { return dataMap; } public String index(){ HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); PageParameter page = new PageParameter(); int pageNo = page.getPageNo(); int totalCount = messageService.count(null, null, null, 0); int totalPage = totalCount%page.getPageSize()==0?totalCount/page.getPageSize():totalCount/page.getPageSize()+1; int startNum = 1, stopNum = 1; startNum = (pageNo-1)*page.getPageSize()+1; if((startNum+page.getPageSize()-1) messageListPage = messageService.find(null, null, null, s, max); int totalCount = messageService.count(null, null, null, 0); int totalPage = totalCount%page.getPageSize()==0?totalCount/page.getPageSize():totalCount/page.getPageSize()+1; page.setTotalCount(totalCount); page.setTotalPage(totalPage); int startNum = 0, stopNum = 0; startNum = 1; if((startNum+page.getPageSize()-1)0){ dataMap.put("message", "success"); }else{ dataMap.put("message", "error"); } logger.info("rocky>>>>>>>>>>>>delete message flag======"+deleteFlag); return "success"; } public String search() throws ParseException, IOException{ dataMap.clear(); HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); Date from = null, to = null ; String searchDateStart = request.getParameter("searchDateStart"); if(searchDateStart!=null && searchDateStart!="") { from = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(searchDateStart); } String searchDateEnd = request.getParameter("searchDateEnd"); if(searchDateEnd!=null && searchDateEnd!="") { to = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").parse(searchDateEnd); } String receiver = request.getParameter("receiver"); String pageNoStr = request.getParameter("pageNo"); PageParameter page = new PageParameter(); int pageNo = page.getPageNo(); int s = 0, max = page.getPageSize(); if(pageNoStr!=null && pageNoStr!=""){ pageNo = Integer.parseInt(pageNoStr); s = (pageNo-1)*page.getPageSize(); } List messageListPage = messageService.find(receiver, from, to, s, max); int totalCount = messageService.count(receiver, from, to, 0); int totalPage = totalCount%page.getPageSize()==0?totalCount/page.getPageSize():totalCount/page.getPageSize()+1; int startNum = 0, stopNum = 0; startNum = (pageNo-1)*page.getPageSize()+1; if((startNum+page.getPageSize()-1)